Friday, June 16, 2017

Busy traveling week 06.12.2017

Hey everyone,

     So this week I literally didn't do much. I had to go to Juiz de Fora to renew my visa. So that means I am almost at the 50% done/left of my mission. The time is going really fast. But going to Juiz de Fora is 7 hours each way so we lost Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in terms of work, and then Friday I had to go to Tres Pontas with Elder Wilson to do a baptismal interview. 

So this week has really been sitting in a bus.  

We had to drop those investigators that were going to be baptized. Lots of things happened in their lives and they lost the desire to be baptized for now. So yeah that was really hard. Luciana still has a testimony, but she isn't progressing with the testimony. We lost the whole last week pretty much because of going to Juiz de Fora as well as baptism interviews in another city.
     So I don't have anything much to talk about. But last week there was a Family Night at a member´s house and he told a good story I can share with you. There was a meeting with a bunch of people and they all agreed to make a cross to represent the problems that they all have. They all went and made their cross and when they all returned everyone saw that there was always someone with bigger problems than they have. So we have to not worry about what we have on our plate, but how to solve the problem. You cant make others feel sorry for you, because there is always someone that needs more help than you, but god he only gives us things that he knows that we can handle. There wont be a challenge greater than we are capable to handle. Never forget that. 

What spiritual gifts you are developing on the mission?

I am not sure how to answer this question. Literally there is a gift of the spirit for everything. In the gospel precepts class we talked a little bit about it and literally everything from being good at teaching to believing in other people is a gift. But I don't know what gifts i have been developing. Maybe a bigger awareness of where I am and how to talk a little bit better with people.

What has being gone from your family made you realize?

Washing dishes is probably the worst part. Oh and having to cook for yourself too really sucks. Like last night I had everything that I needed to make a meal, but I didn't want to work 30 min to eat so I ate ramen. Little things like this. 

What is your favorite thing about Brazilians?

Brazilians in general will buy something and then immediately share it with others. Many times eating less than everyone else. It is really different. But there are always exceptions to this. Some Brazilians are chill and others are really annoying.  

Until Next week.
-Elder Smith

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